Southwest Evangelical Ministries is a self-governing, independent non-denominational, church who earnestly desires to follow our divine savior Jesus Christ.



It is the purpose and mission of Southwest Evangelical Ministries to represent the body of Christ as described in the Old and New Testaments, to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ as led by the Holy Spirit, to bring the unsaved to Jesus Christ; to build up the body in principles of communion and Godly living, to have a vital part in missions here and abroad, and to strive toward unity in the Body of Christ. Being sovereign and governed by the commandments of God revealed in the Bible, it is resolved that all members in covenant agree to obey the guidance and leadership given of the Holy Spirit united in one accord for the following purposes:

1. To proclaim in fullness the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide.

2. To present salvation unto the lost.

3. To promote, praise and worship God and oversee places of worship and be their covering.

4. To teach, edify, lead, guide, disciple, unify, and protect the Body of Christ.

5. To establish and oversee charters, departments, institutions, offices, and be their covering.

6. To license, and to oversee ministers of the gospel and be their covering.

7. To Administer Church discipline

8. To perpetrate all the above until the return of Christ.



Our vision is to make all members into ministers of Christ using their spiritual gift in service for all. But as we develop methods, means, and programs to accomplish this end, we must also expect the death of the vision. We must not doubt in darkness what God has shown us in the light, for God will accomplish this vision plus any other visions He gives us in His own time.


The Holy Spirit guides the affairs of the Southwest Evangelical Ministries, giving authority to those appointed to oversee, lead, and guide in administering the affairs of the Church. We therefore claim the right to be governed under the Headship of Jesus and His authority over the Church, and reject all claims by the civil government to Headship or sovereignty over this Church.


The Eternal, the Creator of the universe, gave us the Old and New Testament Scriptures, the Bible, as His instruction book for mankind. Each person is responsible for living by the Bible as he or she understands it. The Father sent His Son as a sacrifice for the justification and salvation of mankind. The church is the body of Christ and that Christ is the active, living head of the Church. He works through a diversity of believers and groups of believers according to His will. No man or group of men has jurisdiction over another's eternal salvation.


Each person is responsible for studying the Bible, living by it and working out his or her own salvation with his or her Maker. Christ gave the church the job of helping in this process in a great many ways. This assembly is but one of many local assemblies of believers that comprise the Church of which Christ is the Head.

The writing of extensive doctrinal statements encourages people to study statements, rather than study the Bible. In order to make fellowship easier, we list the following practices which are held by most of those attending our congregation, but we do not insist that these practices are essential for salvation:

  • We meet on the Sabbath at 12:00 noon for singing and 1:00 p.m. for our main service.
  • Assembly meetings are private, but all men, women and children—whether they are believers or not—are welcome to attend our services as long as they are willing to conform to these practices.

  • When a person repents and dedicates their life to Christ, we baptize him/her by immersion and have the hands of the brethren laid on that person to ask for the imparting of the Holy Spirit. When a person attending believes they have a valid conversion experience by some other method or sequence, we acknowledge that the Bible does record some exceptions to this, and that issue must be worked out between the believer and God.

  • Food described as unclean in Leviticus 11 should not be brought to any assembly meal nor served to other members without their approval.

  • Drunkenness, theft, fighting, inappropriate sexual contact, smoking or the use of mind-altering drugs at any assembly meeting or other event are not permitted because they are a danger to those attending and a bad example to everyone.

  • People attending services and activities of the assembly agree not to attempt to sue the assembly or any member of it in a government court but will use the procedure found in Matthew 18:15-17.

  • Membership in the local assembly is available to those who regularly attend more than 25 times per year and who will publicly acknowledge that they have committed their lives to God. Such membership is not a "recognition of conversion", but a commitment to serve in the local assembly.

  • People who are disruptive to assembly meetings, who continually attempt to teach false doctrine or who openly practice sin may be removed as members and/or barred from attending according to the procedure given in Matthew 18:15–17.

We are a non-denominational church that has no written standard of doctrinal authority other than the Bible.
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